Fellowship on 14th August, 2009.


Monsoon breakout was a family fellowship at MGM Beach Resort, Chennai from 13 th Aug to 17th Aug 2009.About 54 members had traveled by train from Hyderabad to Chennai . The train journey itself was very entertaining with lot of games,gossiping/chatting,pulling each other's legs and mouth watering packaged food. All the members checked in at cottages a MGM Beach Resort and the next 3 days was packed with lot of entertainmentwich includes swimming,fisherman's boat rides,beach sports,music,dances,playing cards,games,entertainment at Mayajal and sight seeing at Dakshin Chitra. The Birthday Celebrations of Rtn Lokesh and Seema were also celebrated on 15th August at the resort. All in All a worth remembering BreakOUT.